Common Cold vs Flu

common cold vs flu

Both the common cold vs flu induce respiratory illnesses. However, they are caused by various viruses.

Common colds are infections of the nose, sinuses, throat, and windpipe. Colds spread quickly, particularly in families, classrooms, and workplaces. Colds can be caused by over 200 different viruses. A common cold has no treatment, although it normally goes away within a week to ten days. If you haven’t felt better in 10 days, consult a doctor.

There are two viruses that cause the flu: influenza A and influenza B.

Common cold vs Flu Symptoms

A cold or the flu can both induce respiratory infection symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing.

Flu symptoms generally appear quickly and are more severe than cold symptoms. The majority of individuals who have a cold or the flu recover without incident, but the flu is also more likely to cause significant health concerns, such as pneumonia or being hospitalized.

Sore throats, congestion, sneezing, and cough are frequently the first symptoms of rhinovirus-related colds. Adults with a cold are unlikely to develop a fever; however, children frequently do. The flu can cause similar symptoms, but patients are more likely to develop a fever that lasts several days.


Although there are some similarities in the ways that a cold and the flu are treated, there is one significant distinction: the flu may be treated with particular antiviral drugs that are not effective against the common cold.

If you’re unwell, especially if you have a fever, you should stay at home. Actually, it is usually advised that you stay at home for at least 24 hours after your fever has subsided without the use of fever-reducing drugs. You should get enough rest, drink plenty of fluids. To help reduce your temperature and relieve headaches or muscular aches, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

For individuals who do receive flu therapy, it is critical to begin any drugs as soon as possible after symptoms appear, ideally within two days. These drugs, when given early, have been found to reduce symptoms, shorten the duration of illness, and avoid some significant flu-related consequences.

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